Minnesota Cold Weather Rule

The Minnesota Cold Weather Rule (CWR) protects eligible customers from natural gas shut offs from Oct. 1 to April 30. Keep your natural gas on when you need it most — during the cold winter months.

Payment plans are available to help keep your natural gas service on during the winter months. Those who enter into a payment agreement with us and continue making specified monthly payments by their due date will be protected from natural gas service shut offs during the CWR period.

Please note: If you are signed up on a plan you must continue to make required monthly payments to maintain protection from service disconnection.

State reminds Minnesotans to act now to avoid losing heat and electricity this winter (govdelivery.com)


What to do if you receive a disconnect notice

If you cannot pay your bill in full, you must contact Dooley’s Natural Gas and enter into a payment plan to cancel the disconnection. You must keep to the agreed upon terms and conditions of the plan. If anything in your household changes, contact Dooley’s Natural Gas promptly to continue winter protection of your service.

Payment plans will last until April 30th when spring payment plans can be made.

Dooley’s Natural Gas is not responsible for any property damage caused by service interruptions during the winter months. 


Energy Assistance Program (EAP)

What is EAP?
Minnesota’s EAP helps pay for your heating costs and is free to income eligible households. The program is federally funded and administered by the Department of Commerce and administered by local EAP providers. Payments for energy bills are sent directly to DNG on your behalf.

For assistance contact the program in your county;

Chippewa County: Prairie Five: 1-800-292-5437

Kandiyohi County: United Community Action: 1-800-992-1710

Renville County: United Community Action: 1-800-992-1710

Stearns County: Tri-Cap: 1-888-765-5597

Meeker County: United Community Action: 1-800-992-1710